
Career & Vacancies

Careers at Sobani Resources Ltd

Welcome to Sobani’s Resources Ltd (RC-1792669), a premier career consulting and research company dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations in their pursuit of professional excellence and academic advancement. 

We are all about service. Sobani Resources Ltd is designed to assist individuals at all stages of their professional journey, and organisation at the growth and expansion phase.

Who We Are

Our Vision

be among the most preferred career consulting organisation helping individuals land their dream job. To be among the most preferred business consultancy agents helping organisations explore unknown markets and maintain competitive advantage. To be among the best recommendation in terms of academic research support for undergraduates and postgraduate students.

Our Mission

Helping graduate students or immigrants land their dream job through the proper preparation process. Helping organisations explore unknown markets through our tailored comprehensive market research and strategy development. Supporting undergraduates and postgraduates in their academic research by ensuring their academic works are seamless and result oriented.

Core Values

Trust, integrity, and confidentiality are at the core of our business. You can rely on our team to maintain the utmost professionalism and handle your personal information with the utmost care. We are dedicated to building long-lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Thank you for considering Sobani’s Resource Ltd as your trusted partner in career consulting and academic research. We look forward to embarking on a meaningful journey with you and helping you achieve remarkable success in your chosen path.

Careers @ Sobani

We have Career opportunities that span through a wide range of areas. We seek dedicated and talented people. We love those who are eager to learn, team players and easy to adapt.

We look forward to you joining the team.


We are a great place to learn, build and enrich your career. Join us today and develop your knowledge and skills to great heights.


Need More experience? Do you have 2 years experience or less? our junior staff get all the best help they need in terms of adapting and delivering to the best of their capacity.


Would you like to volunteer? We appreciate volunteers and give them the best and all the resources they need to get the job done.