About Us

About Company

Welcome to Sobani’s Resources Ltd (RC-1792669)

a premier career consulting and research company dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations in their pursuit of professional excellence and academic advancement. With a passion for knowledge, a commitment to quality, and a personalized approach, we are here to guide you toward your desired career goals and help you unlock your full potential. At Sobani, we understand that navigating the complexities of the job market, market research for organisations, and the educational landscape can be overwhelming. That's why our team of experienced consultants and academic researchers is here to provide you with the support, resources, and insights you need to make informed decisions and achieve success. Our consulting services are designed to assist individuals at all stages of their professional journey, and organisation at the growth and expansion phase. Whether you are a recent graduate searching for your first job, a seasoned professional looking to make a career change,

 an executive aiming for the next level of leadership, or a business lead seeking to expand your business with robust market research. our expert consultants will work closely with you to develop a tailored strategy.

We offer career assessments, resume and cover letter writing, interview preparation, and networking guidance for individuals to stand out from the competition and land their dream job. In addition, we offer business proposals, business portfolios, and market research/strategy for organisations to stand out from the competition having a competitive advantage.
In addition to our career and business consulting services, we also specialize in academic research, catering to individuals and institutions pursuing knowledge and advancement in various fields. Our team of dedicated researchers possesses expertise in diverse academic disciplines, enabling us to undertake comprehensive research projects, produce insightful repots, and provide data-driven recommendations. Whether you are a student seeking assistance with your thesis or a research institution requiring support for a large-scale project, we are equipped to meet your specific needs and deliver high-quality results.

Sophia CEO Sobani Resources Ltd
Dr. Ifechidere Sophia Obani (CEO) Sobani Resources Ltd


Need help? Contact me

+234 706 634 4530 or admin@sobaniresourcesltd.com

Who We Are

Our Vision

Our Vision

To be among the most preferred career consulting organisation helping individuals land their dream job. To be among the most preferred business consultancy agents helping organisations explore unknown markets and maintain competitive advantage. To be among the best recommendation in terms of academic research support for undergraduates and postgraduate students.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Helping graduate students or immigrants land their dream job through the proper preparation process. Helping organisations explore unknown markets through our tailored comprehensive market research and strategy development. Supporting undergraduates and postgraduates in their academic research by ensuring their academic works are seamless and result oriented.